the process blog has documented our progress throughout the class...

An image of the Bear Blog homepage that we all first went to create our process blogs

we started out small, using the provided themes and just adding posts...

An image of the original themes for our process blogs. It is very basic.

but quickly adapted them to our liking, making them unique...

Kelly's process blog theme. It has pink text and a new favicon and font.
Kelly's blog - mine didn't change too much... adapting a theme from a website that better fit my personality and projects

everyone's is their own...

Ally's process blog theme. It has purple text and green background.
Ally's blog - I mostly changed the font and the background... because I liked the original bear blog design too much!
Ally's process blog theme. It has purple text and green background.
Hazel's blog - I changed the background and colors using a template I found online!
Sophie's process blog theme. It has purple text and green background.
Sophie's blog - I found this coffee-colored template online and it was just really calming...
Laurel says — Regarding Bear Blogs, one thing I recently learned is that while there is no Bear Blog archive / backup service, you can each download your own .xml file (containing all the content of your blog) at (You can save this file, and it contains all your blog's content in one file.) Unfortunately this doesn't save any CSS, so it's good we're taking screenshots :)
MC's process blog theme
MC's blog - I liked the grid like template because it reminded me of nice expensive pattern paper
Megan's process blog home page. It has a gray background and blue text.
Megan's blog - I guess I've been liking gray backgrounds and floating squares.
Amanda's process blog theme. It has a gray background, pink text, a new favicon and font.
Amanda's blog - Mine looks quite boring on the front page but exapands a bit in the posts. I like the minimalist design and chose this so that the focus was completely on my words.
Amy's process blog theme
Amy's Blog-- I kept it #raw and #real